Indianapolis, the Original Gateway to the Frontier

Whereas the National Road from Washington DC entered the frontier of the West after crossing the White River at this location in 1834; and,
Whereas, before the river was widened, as a wood covered bridge, this marks the spot where it met the Washington Street bridge that had been built 36 years later in 1870; and,
Whereas the National Road Bridge was adjacent to the first Indianapolis settlement, simulated commerce on the Indianapolis riverfront and was the first roadway entrance to the frontier; and,
Whereas during its heyday, the wood covered bridge sent as many as 90 wagons an hour off to the West in search of gold and other riches; and,
Whereas the National Road bridge opened the frontier where there were no roads, it set in place the momentum that would civilize all of America; and,
Whereas the National Road Bridge, was sadly dismantled in 1902,
  • By the authority vested in me as the Mayor of Indianapolis (Mayor Joe Hogsett?), I hereby declare this to be the location of the original Gateway to the Frontier

Other posts about Indianapolis history Martin Krieg created as he wrote "How Indianapolis Built America" are at this link HERE