Most Bike Friendly Downtown in America

WHEREAS, at 6.5 square miles in size, downtown Indianapolis is anchored by the only Downtown Greenway on Planet Earth, the 10-mile long Indianapolis Cultural Trail (ICT); and,

WHEREAS, because of the ICT, most all downtown places of business are safely accessible by bicycle; and,

WHEREAS, downtown Indianapolis traffic signals are timed and its intersections and driveways are graded to favor the cyclist; and,

WHEREAS, secure bike parking is easily located downtown; and,

WHEREAS, gearing is not needed as all the roads and streets are flat downtown; and,

WHEREAS, bike trailers with kids or cargo can easily navigate the ICT; and,

WHEREAS, children when accompanied by an adult can ride the ICT safety and easily; and,

WHEREAS, Indianapolis downtown is easily accessible to cyclists all over the city.

By the authority vested in me as the Mayor of Indianapolis, I declare Indianapolis has the Most Bike Friendly Downtown in America