National Bicycle Greenway Legacy Raffle


National Bicycle Greenway Possibility Thinkers

Yellow Jersey > $300
Darryl Swenson
John Hartin
John Dohner
Tim Brummer

 Greenway > $50
Patrick Mulligan
Leroy Tassin
Jose Hernandez
Susan Gee Rumsey
Tom Ayers
Chris Krieg
Michael Gabriel
Peter Stull

Believer >$10
Karen Lang
Bill Tristen
Kyle Blas

Take a chance at winning the $1900 Lightning Phantom or any of our other great prizes. And  the size of the risk you take becomes a part of the National Bicycle Greenway legacy as we shift to the home stretch of making our coast-to-coast bicycle highway  real.



Weekend getaways (tba) at the Hallmark Inn UC Davis