Living Legend, Steve Stevens, set to join new National Bicycle Greenway Board

Living Legend, Steve Stevens,
set to join new National Bicycle Greenway Board

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The fastest man to cross the USA on a Hiwheel  bike (29 days), Steve Stevens long has made his mark  at the top of any of the games he plays. From his celebrated bike museum  to the life he lives in what is arguably the most fully sustainable home   in all of the world,  Steve does nothing half way. So the fact that he wants to help us connect the coasts with a bikeway, should tell you how close we are to lots and lots of  big developments as we relaunch the National Bicycle Greenway  . Yahoo!!







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Another legend, Mr Greenway himself,  Ray Irvin, is planing to come aboard.




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Our new board also looks to include former aerospace engineering leader and  still long time maker of Lightning Cycle Dynamics, the world’s fastest production bikes, Tim Brummer.








Sam Citron, an ardent recumbent cyclist and Harvard educated attorney is  also probable.












As  is Tom Ayres, another cyclist bitten. by the recumbent bug and a widely respected, PhD level safety consultant. 










I look forward to seeing all of   them here in Davis on October 22 at our  NBG relaunch when we announce the winner of the raffle for the Lightning Phantom and other prizes. 
